ASH, inc.

ASH, inc.
Michael Huey
With contributions by Michael Huey, Abraham Orden and Jasper Sharp
Engl., 56 p., 28 x 20,3 cm, numerous color images, paperback
ISBN 978-3-85160-141-1
€ 22,00 [A]
€ 21,40 [D]
out of print
The letters A, S, H are the initials of Huey’s grandfather, and ASH, inc., the name of the latter’s (now defunct) company. In the catalog which accompanies the exhibition at Song Song (2009), Huey meditates on the different meanings of the three letters, orchestrating associations that bring together the historical with the personal, the physical with the mystical, the tragic with the meaningless, all into relations and equations that resist practical, worldly logic to uncover surprising truths.