TAV. Viadotto Modena

TAV. Viadotto Modena
Linea veloce Bologna – Milano / 4
Walter Niedermayr
Ed. William Guerrieri and Tiziana Serena
English/ Italian, 88 pages, 74 C-photographs, 6 b/w-photographs, 28x24 cm, paperback
ISBN 987-3-85160-078-9
€ 22,60 [A]
€ 22,00 [D]
TAV – Treno Alto Velocitá – is the name of a high-speed train line which is supposed to link the larger Italian towns in the future and to connect them with France. For two years, the architectural photographer Walter Niedermayr visited the temporary factory, which is being built and dismantled again as the construction of the train line progresses. His photographs reveal with great intensity the monotony of the work and the total isolation of the workers from the landscape surrounding them. The mobile factory hall can be seen as a variant of the traditional conveyor belt – in the almost film-like sequence of the photo series.