Perform Perform Perform

Perform Perform Perform
Carola Dertnig
With contributions by Achim Hochdörfer, Christa Benzer and Eva Maria Stadler and a talk between Carrie Lambert-Beatty and the artist
German/ English, p. 144, 130 col. Ills, 280 x 220 mm, paperback.
ISBN 978-3-902833-02-0
€ 26,00 [A]
€ 25,30 [D]
Since the 1990ies Carola dertnig coins the Austrian and International development of Performance Art as an artist and through her curatorship. She acts out performance with a regard towards the limits: feminist Initiatives, political Agitation, issues of Contemporary- and Art-History, extra-artistic formats and popcultural performance-styles. The book, a catalouge about her artistic practice, brings together documentation of her perfomances, installations and collages with text contributions by Achim Hochdörfer, Christa Benzer und Eva Maria Stadler and a talk between Carrie Lambert-Beatty and the artist.