
Franz Kapfer
With a text by Hemma Schmutz.
44 pages, 31 illustrations in B/W, cover in colour, German / English, 21 x 27 cm, paperback
ISBN: 3-85160-080-0
€ 16,00 [A]
€ 15,60 [D]
Franz Kapfer's Festspiele (Festivals) renders this sport or the drama of love in new or old pictures. Except for the work Cinecittà 2004, all the photographs were taken in 1991 while Franz Kapfer was working for the Salzburg Festival. Kapfer approaches sculpture via borrowing and imitation. His own body is sculpturally reshaped, his alter ego operates with sculptural settings and enters into interaction with the stone images of the fountain on Kapitelplatz square, the monument to Empress Elisabeth and St. Sebastian's Cemetery. Neptune, Sissi, death - the identification of the artist, the woman, ephemerality. Sculpture remains the ersatz object to which Kapfer exposes himself, lays himself open, as if he found peace there.
In Rome, in Cinecittà - the world of the backdrop - the Salzburg stage of the world will be performed once more on the stage of the reconstruction of the Fontana di Trevi.