Thema: Warum Krieg?

Thema: Warum Krieg?
Texte und Protokolle zum Briefwechsel Albert Einstein / Sigmund Freud, Warum Krieg? 1933
Cathrin Pichler
A program of the Bruno Kreisky Forums for international dialog.
German, ca. 136 pages., 16,5 x 22,5 cm, paperback
out of print
ISBN 978-3-85160-094-0
€ 18,00 [A]
€ 17,50 [D]
With contributions by Stephen Barber, Slavenka Drakulic, Raghavendra Gadagkar, Jochen Gerz, Mark Gisbourne, Gerhard Grössing, Moritz Leuenberger, Robert Jay Lifton, Sylvère Lotringer, Helga Nowotny, Anton Pelinka, Wolfgang Petritsch, Cathrin Pichler, Doron Rabinovici, Horst-Eberhard Richter, Yehuda E. Safran, Jean-Jacques Salomon, M. S. Swaminathan, Joseph Weizenbaum.
Texts and protocols about the correspondence of Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud in 1933.