[as if]

[as if]
Andrea van der Straeten
Landesgalerie Linz and Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'Art Contemporain (Ed). With texts by Martin Hochleitner, Sarah Demeuse, Thomas Macho, Susanne Neuburger, Gabriele Spindler, Kevin Muhlen.
German/English, 200 pages, numerous illustrations in colour, 20 x 26.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-902833-28-0
€ 28,00 [A]
€ 27,20 [D]
Andrea van der Straeten is in pursuit of her concepts, which are meant to intervene the system. A key word for her projects so far is “information.” Which one is true, which one a rumour or faked? What information or meaning is encoded in objects and their images? How can content be communicated and how can it be decoded? Which words are utilized and which language used?
The catalogue accompanies the exhibition at the Landesgalerie Linz in cooperation with the Casino Luxembourg- Forum d’Art Contemporain. Within a sequence of rooms, works taken from different contexts are combined – this leads, without being retrospective, through a special parcours of van der Straeten’s work until now.