No Man's Heaven

No Man's Heaven
Eva Schlegel
With a text by Katya García-Antón and a preface by Helga Rabl-Stadler
German/English, 60 p., 17,5 x 24,5 cm, Broschur, numerous illustrations in b/w and colour
ISBN 978-3-902833-44-0
€ 15,00 [A]
€ 14,60 [D]
On occasion of the 2013 exhibition of the Salzburger Festspiele, Austrian artist Eva Schlegel opens up a „No Man’s Heaven“ for everyone. The accompanying publication keeps record on the three-level span show that puts emphasis on one of Schlegel’s main topics: flying and falling respectively success and failure. As Nadar once experimented on aerial photography, Schlegel makes attempts to loosen men and women from gravity, surrounded by quotations by pioneers of aviation. Blurred texts and portraits out of focus fill the hallways of the exhibitions space as well as the pages of the book.