Betonblumen 016

Betonblumen 016
John Fekner / Don Leicht
V. Weh, Betonblumen #16
German/English, 18 pages, numerous illustrations in colour, 13 x 18 cm, staple-bound
ISBN 978-3-902833-56-3
€ 5,00 [A]
€ 4,90 [D]
In their artistic cooperation John Fekner and Don Leicht deal with questions of spatial and urban development. Currently every major city is struggling with the problem of gentrification – Fekner and Leicht are drawing attention to this capitalistic acquirement of space by using invaders – known from the early days of computer games – in public space.
In the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Fekner and Leicht declare “Your Space Has Been Invaded“. The visitor has to ask himself/herself what such an invasion of a third place means and who the invader actually is.
Special Edition of 60, signed and numbered, available (EUR 25,00)